All charges dismissed after client takes brief interlude with lawyer who dishonestly promises favorable outcome to client
July 2018
July 25, 2018, Lawrence District Court case no. 1818CR000750 charging assault and battery domestic. Client initially retains our office. He requests guarantee that the case will be dismissed. We reviewed our strategies with client, then explained that while we will seek dismissal, we are unable to ethically offer any such assurance, as the ultimate resolution of the case rests in the judgment of the Court. Client then discharges our firm after another attorney "promised" that he would secure dismissal of case. Two months later, that attorney suggested client should change his plea to guilty. Client re-engages our law office. We prepare for trial consistent with our existing defense strategy. On 7/25/18, the scheduled trial date, the Court allows our motion to dismiss the case.
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence
Court: Lawrence District Court